Why Whole Bean?
It may seem like a chore to grind your coffee right before brewing, but just like exercise, once you know why it's good for you, you might start to enjoy it. Or at least the results. ;)
1. Coffee is a perishable product. Just like any other fruit, coffee is best picked when ripe. The "bean" is actually the seed of a coffee cherry, and has a shelf life. It can't live forever in your cupboard like dried kidney beans. Storing coffee whole bean until you brew is a great way to extend the shelf life.
2. After grinding coffee, the aromatic molecules volatilize and there's more exposed surface area, resulting in faster oxidization. Basically, when coffee is exposed to air flavor loss happens.
3. A lot of taste comes from smell, so if you release the aromatics before you try the coffee, the taste is going to be reduced and it will be more dull and flat.
4. The flavor of the coffee itself is the result of many factors: Coffee type, growing conditions, proper harvesting, processing types, proper storage, roast profile, freshness, and lots of other factors! These are all controlled by people, and a lot of hard work goes into a quality cup. Not to get too philosophical, but it's a shame to waste all that hard work!
5. Good coffee is an investment. Why not get the most out of it?
With all that in mind, we've decided to keep our coffee whole bean. You can request that we grind it for you in your order notes, and the flavor will still be head and shoulders above a stale package of ground coffee at the grocery store. But if you've been curious about how grind affects taste, we invite you to try grinding just before brewing.