Carbon-Neutral Coffee Bags
We put coffee bags in the category of "something the consumer shouldn't have to worry about but internally it's a big deal." Kind of like going to a restaurant where you know the food is high quality; you don't have to personally obsess over each ingredient, that's the job of the restaurant.
We strive for excellence in our coffee, and naturally wanted to find a coffee bag as excellent as its contents. The search lead us to Dutch Coffee Pack, a company who has been leading the industry in sustainable, high quality packaging. The benefits include:
- Coffee bags without any metallization (because metals aren't food!)
- 100% plastic that can be recycled
- High oxygen barrier to keep coffee as fresh as possible
- Complete compensation of greenhouse gasses needed to produce coffee bags by investing in Co2-reducing projects in coffee growing countries (learn more about that HERE). These projects make life better for the plant and people too!
On top of all that, we think our coffee bags are pretty cute. :)
Coffee packaging shouldn't be something you have to worry about. We've done the research to make sure your purchase is good for you, the coffee grower, and the planet. Cheers!